Once a year we all get together to discuss what we’ve been doing and what we should do next. Come along and add your voice, or just find out about all the things SAPA gets up to on your behalf.

Date: Sunday 11th October 2020 Time: 4pm
Location: Adelaide Festival Centre Amphitheatre (map), King William St, Adelaide CBD, 5000
On the agenda:
- Welcome to Country from an Aboriginal Elder
- A wrap-up of the Festival of Adelaide Parkour (FoAP) including the draw for the giveaway winners, and a look at the survey results
- Updates from the President, Director, Treasurer, and team leaders on the business of SAPA over the crazy last year-and-a-bit since the last AGM- Launch of our first Annual Report
- A look at our plans and projects coming up next
- Electing the next committee to lead SAPA for the coming year
More details in the event:
At the AGM you will get an overview of the last year from the current President (Ross) and team leaders on our various classes/projects – so you can keep an eye on what your organisation is doing and ask any questions.
You’ll also get a similar report from the Treasurer (George) about our finances. Following this, there is space for any other business that members and the community might want to be involved in discussing. The committee has lined up a bunch of items, but members are welcome to add some too.
At the end of those discussions, we will elect a new committee to serve for the coming year. The committee is a board of people who meet regularly (every 1-2 months) to represent the community, and have a legal responsibility to run the organisation. The best committee is a diverse mix of people with various interests – from Parkour itself to community building, business skills (like finance or marketing), and communication skills.
All Association members are able to vote at the meeting on any business that arises, as well as in the committee elections.
If you would like to become a member, we will induct any new members at the start of the meeting – so arrive on time or contact us.If you would like to bring any business or vote before the members, contact us before the meeting with details or arrive on time.
Nominations for committee positions can be made in writing to the secretary [contact@sapa.asn.au] – more details will be sent directly to members.